Non-Mandatory Vars

These are the extra vars for extra features inside Music Bot. You can leave non mandatory vars for now and can add them later.


-> What is this?

Yukki has a feature called cleanmode. It deletes its old messages after a certain amount of time. You can set that time from here.

  • Time (in minutes) after which bot will delete its old messages from chats. Default to 5 Mins.


-> What is this?

When a user plays any music from youtube , apple , spotify or any platform , it gets downloaded on the bot. You can restrict users of your bot to play upto a maximum limit of audio duration.

For example : If DURATION_LIMIT is 60 mins, so if a user tries to play a movie of 2-3 hours you're bot won't play that.

  • Custom max audio(music) duration for voice chat. Default to 60 mins.


-> What is this?

When a user tries to play playlists, i.e Server Playlist, Youtube Playlist, Apple playlist or Spotify Playlist your bot will fetch only first x number of tracks from the playlist. You can define that x via this var

For example : If PLAYLIST_FETCH_LIMIT is 25, Your bot will play only first 25 tracks of a playlist and will ignore other tracks

  • Maximum limit for fetching playlist's track from youtube, spotify, apple links. Default to 25 tracks.


-> What is this?

When someone plays any track from your music bot, it gives an inline button saying add to playlist, so this var bascially restricts the user from saving a limited number of playlist on bot's mongodb server.

For Example: If SERVER_PLAYLIST_LIMITis 25, You're bot wont allow a user to add more than 25 tracks in his playlist.

  • Maximum Limit Allowed for users to save playlists on bot's server. Default to 30 tracks.


-> What is this?

When a user tries to download tracks from your music bot via youtube , this var restricts the user from downloading a song upto a maximum duration limit.

Why this? Some users may try to abuse your bot by downloading 10-15 hour big size files around 10-20gb on your bot making it slow eventually.

  • Duration Limit for downloading Songs in MP3 or MP4 format from bot. Default to 180 mins.


-> What is this?

If you have a Support for your Music Bot, You can set this var. Only Links formats can be accepted for this Var value.


Don’t use @

  • If you've any channel or group for your music bot , fill it with your channel link


-> What is this?

You can allow a limited number of video calls on your music bot. Each video call consumes some cpu , to prevent cpu overload issues. As soon the limit exceeds your bot will send a pop up to the user for switching play mode to audio.

  • Maximum number of video calls allowed on bot. You can later set it via /set_video_limit on telegram. Default to 3 chats.

Last updated